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Rockford Scanner Paranormal Files: Alleged Haunted House in Winnebago County

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My opinion on what allegedly may have possibly happened, 
Based on the information that has been currently provided: 

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The house in Machesney Park, where I grew up from 1974 to 1983, and my parents sold in 1986,
was definitely haunted…you could feel it the moment you walked in.

We had things “fall” off the wall, clocks move backwards, a small crawl space with miniature doors, in the upstairs area and we would hear children’s voices coming from it, and we found old letters from the 1940’s under the boards of the crawl space. We were told by long-time neighbors, the previous owner’s son died in Vietnam, and they brought his body there to the second floor for viewing and the wake. It was as if his spirit lingered after that…and it was angry!!

The basement of the home had strange noises, especially under the stairs…My father had wood paneled the basement. He had a shelf, behind a bar area where he kept all his liquor and it had mysteriously crash to the floor, breaking everything.

The shelf had been screwed into the studs, and it appeared to have been ripped off the wall.

The stairs to the upstairs area (where my siblings and I slept) were very steep, and certain steps would creak.

I knew which ones to be careful of going up after having broke curfew!!

One such night, I came home and all the lights upstairs were on, my mom was there,
and my sibling and cousin were wide eyed in terror.

I asked what had happened, they said they heard my dad come up the stairs, and then sit on a younger sibling’s bed. They had quieted down, figuring they were being too loud after midnight, but when they got up to peak around the corner, there was no one there, and my dad was asleep on the couch…

I slept at the foot of the bed that night, of a sibling, with feet pressed against me all night long just to be safe.

The entire house had that vibe, but especially the basement…there was a small crawl space in the basement, where an addition had been added to house, ran the length of the house, and was about 6 feet back from the wall…we found the weirdest baby dolls, with all their eyes ripped out, screeching noises came from there frequently.

My dad would say a squirrel was stuck in the chimney flute (it definitely wasn’t a squirrel,
unless it was a talking/screaming one

There were so many times we would hear loud noises coming up from the basement, large bangs, scraping noises, and all of us kids were terrified to go down there…afraid something would grab us by the feet as we would race up the stairs…the strange mumbling sounds were so ominous, no one ever wanted to be in the house alone….

I was so glad to be out the house, and felt sorry for not being able to tell the new owners about the mysteries of that house (I had already left homer by then anyways).

In the basement, you hear hear the mumbling, screeches, loud bangs, and you would feel a cold wind on the back of your neck, that would make your hair stand on end…then the mumblings which didn’t come from a certain area, it was almost as if they were in your head…

Hated that house, and the basement and was frightened of the upstairs crawl space. When I saw the other post by someone who lived on the corner of the street in MP, I immediately thought of that house.
(Click here for that story)

Blessings to ever owns it now!!


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