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Rockford Scanner
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We post our opinions on what may have happened,
Based on the information that has currently been provided to us.
We strongly recommend you doing your own research, and forming your own opinions.
If you have any information, photos, videos, please email us at: RockfordScanner@gmail.com
Rockford Fire Department responded to a fire inside the Texas Roadhouse Restaurant. A delivery crew
was at the facility and discovered a fire near a permanently installed space heater. The delivery crew
used a fire extinguisher to fight the flames as 911 was called. Rockford Fire Ladder 5 arrived within
three minutes to find a partially extinguished fire and finished the firefighting efforts. The building only
suffered minor damage because of the quick efforts of the Sygma Food Distributor employees. The
restaurant will most likely be open for business without interruption today.
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