Rockford Paranormal Files:
In Early April 2023, Sources are reporting an
unknown object over the skies of Cherry Valley
Thank you in advance for your donation!
Maybe we should all be
keeping our eyes to the skies…
If you witnessed this incident,
we would like to hear from you!
Turn the lights down low,
make your favorite beverage,
kick your feet up,
explore with an open mind.
Read other local paranormal experiences on our website:
Rockford Scanner loves the paranormal,
Especially the local paranormal!
Our area is a hot spot for alleged paranormal activity.
One of those spots,
Has always been near the Cherry Valley area.
The small community of Cherry Valley
has a population of just under 3,000.
It is located in the SE part of Winnebago County.
Right along the Boone County line.
This small community for some unknown reason,
Has been a local hot spot for UFO activity over the years.
For decades, there have been several reports of
strange objects over the skies near Cherry Valley.
The most recent report happened
between 9 and 10 PM on April 12th 2023.
Before we go any further.
A “UFO” is exactly that.
“Unidentified Flying Object”
Something in the air that has not yet been identified.
A witness is reporting that she was at the Cherry Valley laundromat
On 4/12/23 between 9-10 PM, when her daughter noticed something in the sky.
Another person nearby had also taken notice of the unknown object.
We should also note that the National UFO Reporting Center
had also gotten a similar report around the same date and time,
from a witness that was 70 miles East of Cherry Valley in Burbank, IL.
(Near Chicago)
The witness in Cherry Valley was able to
grab a camera and began to record the object.
(Great thinking!)
She said the object would hover,
Than rapidly move in various directions.
Then finally in a blink of an eye, disappeared!
At the time of writing this, the object has not yet been identified.
Be sure to watch the video in High Definition.
Youtube likes to downgrade the quality at times.
Over the years, several people have reported seeing
small flying orbs hovering in some nearby fields,
Black triangles, flying humanoids, classic UFO shaped objects,
Things that just can not yet be explained by normal science.
We should also note that back in 1955,
the US military shot at an alleged UFO over the skies of Cherry Valley.
Full details: CLICK HERE
Other Alleged UFO Reports on NUFORC for Cherry Valley, IL
This documents that UFO activity has been ongoing
for decades in the Cherry Valley, IL area.
What do you think it is?
Why do you think Cherry Valley
is a hot spot for UFO activity?
What is going on in the skies over Cherry Valley?
Maybe we should all be keeping our eyes to the skies…
Thank you in advance for your donation!
See it, Snap it, Send it
SEE IT: See a scene or something of interest
SNAP IT: Pull our your camera and film
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