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Additional Charges in Drug Induced Homicide
ROCKFORD, Ill. – On October 16, 2022, Rockford Police officers responded to a residence in the
1100 block of 13th Street for reports of a deceased woman.
The Rockford Police Department’s Violent Crimes Unit continued to investigate the incident and
were advised that the woman, identified as 39-year-old Tonya Marrufo, died from adverse effects
of Fentanyl.
The Winnebago County State’s Attorney’s Office reviewed the case and authorized charges
against 31-year-old Kyle Pavia, and a warrant was obtained for his arrest on Monday, January 30,
2023. He was taken into custody on Wednesday, February 1, 2023, and lodged in the County Jail.
In March, the Rockford Police Department received an anonymous tip via their Tip411 program
and after further investigation, they were able to identify an additional suspect, 30-year-old
Denzel Anderson. A warrant for Anderson’s arrest was obtained on April 13, 2023, for Drug-
Induced Homicide, Possession with Intent to Deliver Fentanyl, and Conspiracy to Deliver Fentanyl
in Marufo’s overdose death. Anderson was taken into custody on April 13, 2023, and lodged in the County Jail.
The charges against them are merely accusations. They are considered innocent unless proven
guilty in a court of law.
If you have any information regarding this incidents or others, please contact the Rockford Police
Department at 815-966-2900, on Facebook (@RockfordIllinoisPoliceDepartment) or on Twitter
To submit an anonymous tip, text the word RPDTIP and your tip to 847411 or get the Rockford PD
App in the App Store or Google Play Store. You can also leave an anonymous tip with Rockford
Area Crime Stoppers at 815-963-7867.
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Officials have not yet released any information:
- To confirm anything (Nothing is confirmed),
- On the incident (What happened?),
- Possible alleged suspects, (Who may be involved?),
- If there is a possible threat to the community (Community in danger?),
- Who to possibly be on the lookout for, (Who to be on the lookout for?),
- If they do release information, we will update this.
If there are no updates, officials have not released any information that we are aware of.
Facts: Simple communication and transparency
WOULD eliminate any misinformation or exaggerations
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Our opinion on what allegedly may have happened,
Based on the information that has currently been provided to us.
Any Errors/Corrections, Please Contact Us:
A simple email saying: “That is not what happened, but this IS what happened”
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- Our content is for entertainment purposes only.
- Informative entertainment.
- All the information posted is our own personal opinions.
- Our opinions on what allegedly may have possibly have happened.
Based on the information that was currently provided to us, at the time of posting it. - We strongly recommend you doing your own research, and forming your own opinion.
- We are protected by the 1st amendment.
- Everyone is innocent, until proven guilty in a court of law.
- We can not guarantee the accuracy of our content.
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Our information is for entertainment purposes only. Because of this, We can not guarantee the accuracy of our information. If you know of any errors, please contact us at and please provide us with the proof of the correction. We strive for accuracy. But, the information is always dynamic and changes often with our type of content. Because of this, We do apologize ahead of time if there are any errors. So, Please let us know of any updates or errors! We are protected under the first amendment.
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