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Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over
Increased Officers Patrolling The Streets,
Be Safe And Have A Happy New Year!
Sources told us local police have increased their patrols tonight
And will be making their presence visible within our community.
Sources told us police plan on using every available resource to keep the community safe.
We have been told outside resources have been put on standby.
Other jurisdictions, are reported to possibly be assisting.
We have been told there is a very good possibility the police will be using air support.
If you hear a helicopter, or a plane that keeps buzzing by… That may be why.
Air support helps police combat crimes and assists traffic patrols, keeping our community safe.
Sources told us police have acquired newer technology that will assist police
With locating pinpoint locations of gunfire and helping identify the alleged suspects.
We have reports that several officers have been assigned to a special task force,
That will be investigating tonight’s expected gunfire.
States Attorney Office said they have zero tolerance for crime.
And will prosecute anyone that breaks the law.
And they wanted to remind the community to NOT drink and drive!
Sources have told us the county have acquired multiple cameras.
Those cameras are reported to have newer technology.
Some of that technology includes license plate readers
Along with other newer technology features.
Officers will be monitoring those cameras from a remote location
And will be assisting the patrol officers with information.
There is expected to be multiple roadblocks/safety check points.
Except to see them in some very unexpected places.
We have been told the police have plans on setting up a few of them in some residential areas.
Time will tell…
If you do encounter a road block/safety check.
Please drive slow, and do exactly what the officers tell you to do.
Provide the police with your drivers license, insurance.
And expect the possibility of a possible search and DUI test.
DO NOT try to turn around from one.
Police will come after you…
We have been told the police do plan on chasing any suspects that flee.
Multiple police squads are reported to now be equipped
with newer technology to help assist with police chases.
Winnebago County Sheriff’s Office has partnered up with LaMonica Beverages.
And they are offering FREE rides home. From 10 PM until 3 AM.
You can call the non-emergency line at (815) 282-2600
Free rides will be offered on New Years Eve within Boone County
starting at 6pm until 2am. Call (815) 544-2144
If you do plan on going out:
DO NOT go out alone.
Bring along a couple friends.
ALWAYS keep an eye on your drink.
Don’t forget to make a New Year Resolution!
What is your New Year Resolution?
PLEASE be responsible and have fun!
Happy New Year!
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