Rockford Scanner Note:
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My opinion on what allegedly may have possibly happened,
Based on the information that has been currently provided to Rockford Scanner:
Copy and paste of the report to RS:
This dates back to the late 80s early 90s during the U46 teacher strike and a week before the old elgin watch factory burned to the ground.
Due to the strike kids of working parents were being cared for at the Old Elgin High School.
During my stay there, there were frequent power fluctuations and on one particular day a ghost sighting.
The fire alarm had gone off and as we were evacuating to the playground
I looked at the building and saw an all white old woman looking out the window of the 3rd floor.
I asked my friends if they could see her too and they were able to as well.
I didn’t think much of it until I told my Mom about it and she told me the floor of the 3rd floor had been removed because it had buckled.
The next day my friends and I investigated and found all the stairwells locked and the dust on them undisturbed.
The fire had been in the elevator shaft which had been inoperable as well.
I also had forgotten my doll there one night and the next day every electronic item I sat it by, turned on!

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Rockford Scanner:
Bringing you our personal opinions of what may have possibly happened,
Based on the information that is currently provided to us.
We highly recommend you doing your own research
And forming your own opinions on the topic.
Our information is very dynamic,
We can not guarantee the accuracy of the information.
If you know of any errors, contact us:
And provide us with the proof of the error.
Simple communication and transparency,
Would eliminate any misinformation or exaggerations…
We can not guarantee the accuracy of our information. If you know of any errors, please contact us at and please provide us with the proof of the correction. We strive for accuracy, however the information is always dynamic and changes often with our type of content. We do apologize ahead of time, if there are any errors. Please let us know! Simple communication and transparency, would eliminate any misinformation or exaggerations… We are protected under the first amendment.
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