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Rockford Scanner
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We post our opinions on what allegedly may have possibly happened,
Based on the information that has currently been provided to us.
We strongly recommend you doing your own research, and forming your own opinions.
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My opinion on what allegedly may have possibly happened,
Based on the information that has been currently provided:
When you read our website, we ask that you do so with an open mind.
Just because it has not happened to you,
does not mean that it hasn’t happened to someone else.
We want to hear your paranormal stories: RockfordScanner@gmail.com
RS source tells us their paranormal experiences inside a residence, in Machesney Park.
Since a child at the age of 12 I would see things.
It could be from a dark shadow in my room standing behind my door to a little boy in the basement.
I was home alone one day and the cabinet doors in my kitchen were all open so I shut them, I left out of the kitchen and when I came back in they were all open again.
I had an experience currently were I was home alone and I was getting ready to leave my house and as I turned to go into the garage I heard a young man’s voice say my name.
I can hear walking around in my house when I am home alone and my kids and boyfriend has heard it too.
Things will come up missing.
Recently me and my boyfriend thing it’s more to it because I will get sick very quick out of nowhere and we heard they can do that.
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Unless you let us know to credit your name.
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