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Committee Passes 2023-2027 Capital Improvement Program
ROCKFORD, Ill. – Tonight, the Finance and Personnel Committee passed the FY 2023-2027 Capital Improvement Program (CIP). This CIP provides for significant investment in improving the City’s infrastructure and is the largest proposed in City history, utilizing $345 million of secured local and leveraged outside agency funds to improve the infrastructure in Rockford. In this plan, the City will make more improvements than ever to our aging roadway, bridge, sidewalk, storm water and water facilities within the next five years, including adding more funds to the Neighborhood Program, creating a new Traffic Safety Program and adding more investment into our aging water production wells.
Highlights include:
- The Neighborhood Program increases funding to the Neighborhood Priority Allocation Program, which puts the Sales Tax dollars directly into the worst conditioned streets in the neighborhoods.
- The Capital Roadway Improvement Program continues to focus on engineering for the large projects anticipating construction in three to five years. Added to the program is the State’s investment into the reconstruction of South Alpine Road.
- The Highway Structure and Bridge Repair and Replacement Program includes the replacement of multiple structures over the next five years, as well as major repairs to many others based on the recommendations of the biennial bridge inspection report.
- The Stormwater and Drainage Program finishes the Alpine Dam project while focusing on reviewing and updating the Stormwater Ordinance, as well as the Stormwater Master Plan.
- The Maintenance Program looks at a data-driven approach to implementing multiple different low-cost preventative treatment options for pavements as an alternative to the expensive resurfacing option to optimize the roadway network’s overall pavement condition score.
- The Sidewalks and Active Transportation Program gets a boost from the Workforce Development Program, which provides quality sidewalk improvements while introducing young adults to the trade.
- The Traffic Program adds a new City-Wide Traffic Safety Program, which addresses various traffic safety concerns by implementing engineered countermeasures. The first project will be a road diet and traffic calming of Broadway.
- The Community Enhancement and Economic Development Program adds a $22 million complete streets revitalization project funded mostly with federal and state dollars. This will include the removal of a traffic lane on Chestnut Street, Walnut Street, and 1st Avenue for a separated bicycle facility and streetscape.
- The Water Program has been reorganized into two chapters:
o Water Production Capital Improvement Program includes the construction of treatment plants, treatment addition to existing facilities, reservoir and tower maintenance, the drilling of a new well, building maintenance, and filter vessel maintenance.
o Water Distribution Capital Improvement Program will continue to focus on prioritizing water main replacements based on risk assessment model(s) that identify areas with the greatest replacement need, as well as the continuation of the lead service line replacement program.
The plan will go to the full City Council for approval next week. View the entire plan at

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