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Rockford Scanner » Happy 4th of July! GOD BLESS AMERICA!

Happy 4th of July! GOD BLESS AMERICA!

Rockford Illinois
Rockford Scanner

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Rockford Scanner

Rockford Scanner, Rockford News, Rockford Crime, RockfordIL, Rockford Illinois, Illinois

Welcome to Rockford Scanner.
One of Rockford’s favorite entertainment websites.
We feel that an informed community, is a safer community.
And it is people like YOU, that keep us informed!
Thank You!
News for the community, By the community!

Our Opinion:
What Allegedly Happened

Based on the current information,
That has been provided to 
Most of the outcomes, are not known or final.

Breaking News



God Bless America!

We want to remind everyone about a few things:

* Many police are out on land and the water.  And they will have zero tolerance for crime today.

*  Be safe and enjoy this beautiful 4th of July

* Plan ahead for the huge traffic jam near downtown, after the fireworks.  (Send us your photos/videos)

* Leave fireworks to the professionals

* Do NOT leave your furry buddies in a locked vehicle!

* Our furry buddies hate fireworks.

* Drink plenty of fluids.

* Speaking of drinking fluids, do NOT drink and drive!

* Send us your firework videos to

* From our family to yours, Happy Independence Day!


Oh, say can you see,

By the dawn’s early light,

What so proudly we hailed

At the twilight’s last gleaming,

Whose broad stripes and bright stars,

Thru the perilous fight,

O’er the ramparts we watched

Were so gallantly streaming?

And the rockets red glare,

The bombs bursting in air,

Gave proof through the night

That our flag was still there.

O, say, does that

Star-Spangled Banner yet wave

O’er the land of the free

And the home of the brave


“I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands,
one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.”

God Bless America





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Look no further! CLICK HERE!

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*** A simple anonymous email saying ***
“Hey that is not what happened,
But this “IS” what happened…”
Email us at

——> Simple communication and transparency,
Would eliminate any misinformation or exaggerations. 

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However, if you would like us to relay some information to any department.
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Checkout one of the best
Police scanner’s on the market!

SDS200 Uniden Police Scanner
SDS200 Uniden Police Scanner!

The information posted is my own personal opinion. For entertainment purposes only.
I like to post multiple things such as Parody, Entertainment, News, Satire, Events, Editorials, opinions, reviews, photography, music, educational, etc…
I like to inform our community on different things and have fun doing so. The information posted is dynamic. And may not be accurate. for any corrections or updates.
Please do your own research and form your own opinion. First Amendment & Fair Use

Our content is for entertainment purposes only.
Informative entertainment.

  • All the information posted is our own personal opinions.
  • Our opinions on what allegedly may possibly have happened.
  • Based on the information that was currently provided to us, at the time of posting it.
  • We strongly recommend you doing your own research and forming your own opinion.
  • We are protected by the 1st Amendment and also Fair Use.
  • Everyone is innocent, until proven guilty in a court of law.
  • We cannot guarantee the accuracy of our content.
  • Information is very dynamic
  • The information posted is my own personal opinion.
  • For entertainment purposes only.
  • RS posts multiple things such as;
    Parody, Entertainment, News, Satire, Events, Editorials,
    Opinions, reviews, comedy, controversial, photography,
    Pensée, aphorism, music, educational, etc…
  • You must read and agree to our terms.
  • If you do not agree with our terms, please leave now.
  • Any corrections, please contact us right away.


rockford scanner disclaimer entertainment purposes only

Rockford Scanner Blog Opinion


USA Flag
Rickie Traeger

Rickie Traeger

My official website: My goal is to keep the community informed, so the community can be safer. And to provide information about the police scanner hobby.