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Rockford Scanner » What Was That Noise, Over the Skies of Rockford… The Sound of Freedom

What Was That Noise, Over the Skies of Rockford… The Sound of Freedom

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Several sources are reporting that they heard a strange loud noise
Over the skies of Rockford.

It happened today around 4 PM today,
Over the skies of Rockford.

Everyone reported a very loud “roar” sound that was coming from the skies above.

Reports ranged from being attacked by aliens to a plane crash, to a military jet…

Let’s be real people.

Do you really think little green men would come to Rockford?
I mean seriously, do you think they would come from light years away to come attack Rockford.
I guess anything is possible…

However, that is not the case.
There were reports of a possible airplane crash.
Thankfully, that was not the case either.

I have some great news!
It was definitely aircraft related!

There were TWO F-35’s that flew over our area.
I do not know if they stopped at the Rockford Airport
Or if they just flew over our area.

I know there are some stationed at a nearby airbase.
And that the Rockford Airport has some of the longest runways in our area.
And we have one of the best aircraft mechanics at the airport.

The US Military uses the Rockford Airport often.
They use it for maintenance, training, storage, etc…

It is not uncommon to see military aircraft at the Rockford Airport.

However, today’s event was a little out of the ordinary.
There were TWO F-35’s that were flying very fast.
Causing the beautiful sounding roaring noise.

Unknown if their afterburners were on.
We have conflicting reports both saying they did and did not have them on.

Let’s hope and pray they were just navigating or training.
And were not needed in a a real-world situation.

Last seen Northbound towards Madison

The Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning II is an American family of single-seat, single-engine, stealth multirole combat aircraft designed for air superiority and strike missions; it also has electronic warfare and intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance capabilities.

The F-35 is a family of single-engine, supersonic, stealth multirole fighters.  The second fifth-generation fighter to enter US service and the first operational supersonic STOVL stealth fighter, the F-35 emphasizes low observables, advanced avionics and sensor fusion that enable a high level of situational awareness and long range lethality;  the USAF considers the aircraft its primary strike fighter for conducting suppression of enemy air defense (SEAD) missions, owing to the advanced sensors and mission systems.

The aircraft is powered by a single Pratt & Whitney F135 low-bypass augmented turbofan with rated thrust of 28,000 lbf (125 kN) at military power and 43,000 lbf (191 kN) with afterburner. Derived from the Pratt & Whitney F119 used by the F-22, the F135 has a larger fan and higher bypass ratio to increase subsonic thrust and fuel efficiency, and unlike the F119, is not optimized for supercruise.  The engine contributes to the F-35’s stealth by having a low-observable augmenter, or afterburner, that incorporates fuel injectors into thick curved vanes; these vanes are covered by ceramic radar-absorbent materials and mask the turbine. The stealthy augmenter had problems with pressure pulsations, or “screech”, at low altitude and high speed early in its development.  The low-observable axisymmetric nozzle consists of 15 partially overlapping flaps that create a sawtooth pattern at the trailing edge, which reduces radar signature and creates shed vortices that reduce the infrared signature of the exhaust plume.  Due to the engine’s large dimensions, the U.S. Navy had to modify its underway replenishment system to facilitate at-sea logistics support. The F-35’s Integrated Power Package (IPP) performs power and thermal management and integrates environment control, auxiliary power unit, engine starting, and other functions into a single system

Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning II – Wikipedia

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Rockford Scanner brought to you by: Rickie Traeger

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