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Rockford Scanner » Another Alleged Large Cat Sighting in Loves Park

Another Alleged Large Cat Sighting in Loves Park

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Rockford Illinois
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One of Rockford’s favorite entertainment websites.
We feel that an informed community, is a safer community.
And it is people like YOU, that keep us informed!
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News for the community, By the community!

Our Opinion:
What Allegedly Happened

Based on the current information,
That has been provided to 
Most of the outcomes, are not known or final.

Breaking News

If you have had a sighting, 
We want to hear about it! 

We will keep you anonymous. 

First and foremost,
officials have denied these many sightings in the past. 

So, do your own research, form your own opinions. 

If you have followed Rockford Scanner for awhile. 
You have noticed all the large cat sighting reports
that have allegedly happened. 

That is what happened a little bit ago.
So, if you are in the area. Please use caution.
And individual reached out to RS
reporting his sighting that happened a little bit ago. .

It happened near the trailer park in Loves Park.

The witness reported: 
“No video or photo but I saw what I saw.
This lion ran across the field and jumped an 8 ft fence like it was nothing.
I saw what I saw. He was fast! Craziest shit I’ve seen! This fucker was big!”

Two days ago, there was another report near Harlem and Perryville.
A witness described a “mountain lion” creeping down the big hill nearby.
Go across Perryville and into the tree line area by the behind the trailer park.
By the business area, by Lifetouch.  No photos or video with this sighting either.

Officials tell the public that if you see a large cat or other large wildlife.
To report it on their website at Report Large Carnivore Sightings

However, this is where I also made my report for my sighting.
And the person on the other end, basically called me “crazy”
So, report at your own risk. 

 I have even personally saw a mountain lion,
while on a hike at Rock Cut State Park.
And when I reported my sighting,
they basically called me crazy.
And many other of the witnesses
that have come forward,
they have been called “crazy” too.

So, that is what inspires me to keep posting these large cat sightings.
And other large wildlife animal sightings in our area.

Because I know for a fact, they are here.
And to inspire others to come forward with their sighting reports.
And for our community safety.

If you have had a sighting, 
We want to hear about it! 

We will keep you anonymous. 

 Not local, but it gives you knowledge on what to do if you encounter one.

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The information posted is my own personal opinion. For entertainment purposes only.
I like to post multiple things such as Parody, Entertainment, News, Satire, Events, Editorials, opinions, reviews, photography, music, educational, etc…
I like to inform our community on different things and have fun doing so. The information posted is dynamic. And may not be accurate. for any corrections or updates.
Please do your own research and form your own opinion. First Amendment & Fair Use

Our content is for entertainment purposes only.
Informative entertainment.

  • All the information posted is our own personal opinions.
  • Our opinions on what allegedly may possibly have happened.
  • Based on the information that was currently provided to us, at the time of posting it.
  • We strongly recommend you doing your own research and forming your own opinion.
  • We are protected by the 1st Amendment and also Fair Use.
  • Everyone is innocent, until proven guilty in a court of law.
  • We cannot guarantee the accuracy of our content.
  • Information is very dynamic
  • The information posted is my own personal opinion.
  • For entertainment purposes only.
  • RS posts multiple things such as;
    Parody, Entertainment, News, Satire, Events, Editorials,
    Opinions, reviews, comedy, controversial, photography,
    Pensée, aphorism, music, educational, etc…
  • You must read and agree to our terms.
  • If you do not agree with our terms, please leave now.
  • Any corrections, please contact us right away.


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