Welcome to
Rockford Scanner
Welcome to Rockford Scanner.
One of Rockford’s favorite entertainment websites.
We feel that an informed community, is a safer community.
And it is people like YOU, that keep us informed!
Thank You!
News for the community, By the community!
Our Opinion:
What Allegedly Happened
Based on the current information,
That has been provided to us.
Most of the outcomes, are not known or final.
Rockford Police Accepting Entry-Level Applications for Police Officers
The Rockford Police Department is pleased to announce that
applications are now being accepted for entry-level police officers. This recruitment drive
aims to bring dedicated and community-focused individuals into the Rockford Police
Department to uphold public safety and serve our diverse community.
To join the Rockford Police Department, please fill out an application at
www.RPDWANTSYOU.com through July 31, 2024. Another way to reach out is by texting
JOINRPD to 815-473-8383.
Below are dates/times that we’ll be out in the community for interested individuals to
meet directly with the RPD Recruitment Team.
June 24 Peak Sports Club – Perryville 5pm-7pm
June 28 Rockford Diversity Job Fair – Radisson 10am-12:30pm
July 2nd Peak Sports Club – Perryville 5pm-7pm
July 3rd Rockford Rivets 6:35pm Game
Dates and times are subject to change and changes/additions will be posted on RPD’s
Facebook and X Page.
For more information about the amazing benefits, working conditions, and minimum
qualifications, click on RPDWANTSYOU.com or contact Rockford Police Recruiter,
Investigator Katy Statler at recruiter@rockfordil.gov.
Do you own a police scanner and need local frequencies?
Look no further! CLICK HERE!