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Rockford Scanner » NWS Predicts: Low end = 5 inches & the High end = 11 inches 

NWS Predicts: Low end = 5 inches & the High end = 11 inches 

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* WHAT...Heavy, wet snow expected. Total snow accumulations of 7
  to 11 inches. Winds gusting as high as 35 mph.

* WHERE...Portions of north central and northeast Illinois.

* WHEN...From 8 PM this evening to midnight CST Tuesday night.

* IMPACTS...Travel will be very difficult and dangerous at times.
  The hazardous conditions will impact both the morning and
  evening commutes on Tuesday.

* ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Snowfall rates in excess of one inch per
  hour are possible at times late Tuesday morning into Tuesday
  evening. Visibilities under one half mile are possible.


If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food, and water in
your vehicle in case of an emergency.


Good afternoon everyone,

I hope you do not mind me taking a few minutes of your time.

The NWS has predicted some major snowfall amounts in our area over the next 2 days. 
Low end: 5 inches
High end: 13 inches 

More details at:

Regardless of how much snow we end up getting.
I wanted to remind our community about a few things.

First and foremost: SAFETY
Do not travel, unless you have too.
PREPARE for the storm, NOW.
Do not wait until it hits…

This is alleged to be a heavy wet snow.
Remember to shovel in layers.
Take it easy and shovel slow.

Bundle up and dress warm.
Winds are supposed to be gusting around 35 MPH.
Making the temps feel way colder than they actually are.
Along with making traveling conditions difficult.

The City of Rockford has already declared a snow emergency.

Do yourself a favor before the storm begins – apply deicer or rock salt to your sidewalk and steps.

This will make clearing snow and ice easier after the storm ends.

  • The National Safety Council recommends the following tips to shovel safely:
    • Do not shovel after eating or while smoking
    • Take it slow and stretch before you begin
    • Shovel only fresh, powdery snow; it’s lighter
    • Push snow rather than lift it
    • If you lift snow, use a small shovel or only partially fill the shovel
    • Lift with your legs, not your back
    • Do not work to the point of exhaustion
    • Know the signs of a heart attack, stop immediately, and call 911 if you experience any of them.
      Every minute counts. *
    • Don’t pick up that shovel without a doctor’s permission if you have a history of heart disease.
      A clear driveway is not worth your life.
    • Don’t pick up that shovel without a doctor’s permission if you have a history of heart disease.
      A clear driveway is not worth your life.
  • Clear catch basins and fire hydrants.
  • Please do not put snow in the street. Put all cleared snow, from parked cars and sidewalks, in the “tree box,” front yard, or between the curb and sidewalk.

Supplies You Should Have Before a Storm:

  • NOAA Weather Radio or battery-powered or hand-crank radio to receive weather reports and emergency information.
  • Flashlight and extra batteries.
  • Extra food and water. High-energy food, such as dried fruit or candy, and food requiring no cooking or refrigeration are best.
  • Special supplies (such as medications) for seniors, family members with disabilities, infants, young children and pets.
  • First-aid supplies.
  • Emergency heating source, such as a fireplace, wood stove, space heater, etc.
  • At least a three-day supply of water (one gallon per person per day). Store in sealed, unbreakable containers.
  • A three-to-five-day supply of non-perishable canned food and a non-electric can opener.
  • Working fire extinguisher and smoke detector.
  • Change batteries in all your equipment at least once a year. An easy way to remember is to do it when you turn your clocks back in the fall.
  • Use deicer, rock salt or non-clumping kitty litter to clear snow/ice from walkways. The DC Snow Team uses pet-friendly deicer on its pedestrian bridges.
  • Snow shovels and other snow removal equipment.

And we all know how people drive when there is no snow…
Imagine how many accidents there are going to be in the next 72 hours…

SLOW DOWN, do not tailgate, allow extra time, etc…
The commonsense stuff…

Snow creates some beautiful photographs! 
If you take some photos/video/time lapse
Please share them with us at

Before the storm strikes, make sure your home, office and vehicles are stocked with the supplies you might need. Make sure farm animals and pets also have the essentials they will need during a winter storm. Know how to dress for varying degrees of cold weather.

–At Home and Work
Your primary concerns at home or work during a winter storm are loss of heat, power and telephone service and a shortage of supplies if storm conditions continue for more than a day. In either place, you should have available:

Flashlight and extra batteries
Battery-powered NOAA Weather Radio and portable radio to receive emergency information
Extra food and water such as dried fruit, nuts, granola bars and other food requiring no cooking or refrigeration.
Extra prescription medicine
Baby items such as diapers and formula
First-aid supplies
Heating fuel: refuel before you are empty; fuel carriers may not reach you for days after a winter storm
Emergency heat source: fireplace, wood stove or space heater properly ventilated to prevent a fire
Fire extinguisher, smoke alarm; test smoke alarms monthly to ensure they work properly
Extra pet food and warm shelter for pets
Review generator safety: Never run a generator in an enclosed space
Make sure your carbon monoxide detector is working correctly and that the outside vent is clear of leaves and debris. During or after the storm, make sure it is cleared of snow.
Home fires are common each winter when trying to stay warm. Review ways to keep your home and loved ones safe.

–In Vehicles
Each year, on average, more than 5,000 people are killed and more than 418,000 are injured due to weather-related vehicle crashes. If you need to drive in snow or cold conditions, TAKE IT SLOW IN THE SNOW. Black ice can be difficult to see. If the temperature is near freezing, drive like you’re on ice–you may be!

Before you leave the house, especially before a longer trip in winter, make sure all fluid levels are full and ensure that the lights, heater and windshield wipers are in proper condition. Keep your gas tank near full to avoid ice in the tank and fuel lines. Avoid traveling alone. Let someone know your timetable and primary and alternate routes. Then call 511 for the latest traffic and road incidents, including construction and weather conditions and restrictions. Every state offers this Department of Transportation service. Call before you leave; it might change your plans!

Fully check and winterize your vehicle before the winter season begins. Carry a Winter Storm Survival Kit that includes the following:

Mobile phone, charger, batteries
Blankets/sleeping bags
Flashlight with extra batteries
First-aid kit
High-calorie, non-perishable food
Extra clothing to keep dry
Large empty can to use as emergency toilet, tissues, toilet paper and paper towels
Small can and waterproof matches to melt snow for drinking water
Sack of sand or cat litter for traction
Windshield scraper and brush
Tool kit
Tow rope
Battery booster cables
Water container
Candle and matches to provide light and in an emergency, lifesaving heat.
Compass and road maps, don’t depend on mobile devices with limited battery life

–On the Farm, Pet Owners
Move animals to sheltered areas or bring pets inside. Shelter belts, properly laid out and oriented, are better protection for cattle than confining shelters, such as sheds.
Haul extra feed to nearby feeding areas.
Have water available. Most animals die from dehydration in winter storms.
Make sure pets have plenty of food and water and a warm shelter.

Please take a few minutes and check on your family, friends and neighbors. 
Times like this, we need to come together as a community. 

When caught in a winter storm, there are life-saving actions you can take to protect yourself outside, in a vehicle and inside your home or office.


  • Find Shelter: Try to stay dry and cover all exposed body parts.
  • When There Is No Shelter Nearby: Build a lean-to, windbreak or snow cave for protection from the wind. Build a fire for heat and to attract attention. Place rocks around the fire to absorb and reflect heat.
  • Melt Snow for Drinking Water: Eating unmelted snow will lower your body temperature.
  • Exercise: From time to time, move arms, legs, fingers and toes vigorously to keep blood circulating and to keep warm. Avoid overexertion such as shoveling heavy snow, pushing a car or walking in deep snow if you are not in good health. The strain from the cold and the hard labor may cause a heart attack. Sweating could lead to a chill and hypothermia.

In Vehicles

If you must drive during a storm, take the following precautions:

  • Slow down! Even if the roads just look wet they could still be slick. More than 5,000 fatalities occur on the roadways each year due to weather conditions.
  • Make sure your vehicle is completely clear of ice or snow before starting the trip. Flying snow from cars causes accidents.
  • Let someone know where you are going and what route you will take. If something happens, this person will know where to start a search.
  • Don’t leave the house without the following a fully charged mobile phone, car charger and an emergency supplies kit in your car.
  • If you are driving and begin to skid, remain calm, ease your foot off the gas and turn your wheels in the direction you want the front of the car to go. If you have an anti-lock braking system (ABS), apply steady pressure to the brake pedal. Never pump the brakes on an ABS equipped vehicle.
  • If you are having trouble seeing due to weather conditions, pull over to the side of the road and stop your car until visibility improves. Turn off your lights and use your parking break when stopped so that another car won’t mistakenly follow your tail/brake lights and end up hitting you.

If your car gets stuck during a storm:

  • Stay in the vehicle!
    • If you leave your vehicle, you will become disoriented quickly in wind-driven snow and cold.
    • Run the motor about 10 minutes each hour for heat.
    • While running the motor, open the window a little for fresh air to avoid carbon monoxide poisoning.
    • Clear snow from the exhaust pipe to avoid gas poisoning.
  • Be visible to rescuers.
    • Turn on the dome light at night when running the engine.
    • Tie a bright colored cloth, preferably red, to your antenna or door.
    • After snow stops falling, raise the hood to indicate you need help.


Stay Inside: When using heat from a fire place, wood stove, space heater, etc., use fire safeguards and properly ventilate. If you have a gas furnace, make sure it is not not blocked by a snowdrift as soon as it’s safe to go out. If you have an upstairs gas furnace which vents out the roof, you may need to turn off the upstairs unit until the snow melts off your roof.

If Your Heat Goes Out

  • Close off unneeded rooms to avoid wasting heat.
  • Stuff towels or rags in cracks under doors.
  • Close blinds or curtains to keep in some heat.
  • Eat and drink. Food provides the body with energy for producing its own heat. Drinks lots of water and other non-caffeinated, non-alcholohic drinks to prevent dehydration. Cold air is very dry.
  • Wear layers of loose-fitting, lightweight, warm clothing. Remove layers to avoid overheating, perspiration and subsequent chill

If you have a plow, offer your services to our community. 

First responders will be out and about within our community.
They will also be facing the difficult challenges of Mother Nature.
Keep everyone in your thoughts and prayers. 

Snow decreases tire traction. Drive defensively.
  • Don’t drive too fast.
  • Keep plenty of space around the vehicle.
  • Only use driver-assisting technology as a backup.
  • Look far ahead.
  • Use smooth actions, like turning, braking or accelerating.
  • Avoid driving downhill.

When the snow and ice melt, it’s tempting to relieve that cabin fever and hit the roads. But melting snow can cause floods, partially cleared roads may be icy or blocked, creeks and rivers often overflow from the rush of melting snow and ice. Heavy snow may have knocked down power lines and caused gas leaks, both of which can be deadly, but are not obvious at first glance. Follow the tips below to stay safe and check the other links on this site for actions to take before, during and after a winter storm.

–Stay Informed
Stay tuned to your local news for updated information on road conditions.
Check with your local water company to ensure water is safe to drink, cook and clean with after a major winter storm.
Check with utility companies to find out when electricity or gas services may be restored.
Before you drive your car, take time to ensure your exhaust pipe is clear.
Brush all the snow off the car so it doesn’t fall on your windshield while you are driving or fly onto other cars, causing an accident.
Leave extra time for blocked, closed or icy roads.

–Avoid Flooded Roads and Heed Road Danger Signs
Standing water hides many dangers including toxins and chemicals. There may be debris under the water and the road surface may have completely collapsed beneath the water.
If it is likely your home will flood, don’t wait to be ordered to leave; evacuate when you know you are danger! Make alternative plans for a place to stay with a relative or friend. If you have pets, take them with you or make arrangements to board them at a facility well away from the flooding danger. Many hotels will take pets but check for options during dry weather.
Road closure, cones, sawhorses and other cautionary signs are put in place for your safety. Pay attention to them!

–Check Your Home, Contact Family and Isolated Neighbors
Carbon monoxide poisoning is one of the leading causes of death after storms when areas dealing with power outages.
Never use a portable generator inside your home or garage. Review generator safety
Let your family and close friends know that you’re okay so they can help spread the word. Register with American Red Cross’s Safe and Well listings. You can use this resource to search missing friends and relatives as well.

–Roadway Hazards After a Winter Storm
Black ice is patchy ice on roadways that cannot easily be seen. Even if roadways have been cleared of snow following a storm, any water left on the roadways may freeze, resulting in a clear sheet of ice, also known as black ice. It is most dangerous in the early morning due to below freezing nighttime temperatures.
Potholes are a common road hazard following winter precipitation and can be difficult to see and can cause serious damage to your vehicle. Be sure to report potholes to your county or local Department of Transportation.


Let’s hope they are wrong, and we only get a few inches…

Original Story:

WHO’s Ready to Be Blasted with The White Stuff?




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