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Rockford Scanner » What Will It Take, To Make You Stop?

What Will It Take, To Make You Stop?

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Local Bus Driver sent RS the following: 


Dear (Insert Name Here),
Today you were lucky. I saw you. I saw you speed to pass me before my Stop Arm came out. You were distracted. You didn’t want to be delayed from wherever your destination might’ve been. You didn’t want to be behind me. Or whatever excuse you felt was valid in your mind.
Maybe you figured there wasn’t an officer around, so it didn’t matter. Maybe you were already late and figured you could save some time by not stopping. Maybe you felt that since you stopped at that stop sign, it was okay to go. Or maybe you just thought that it didn’t matter because you didn’t see any kids waiting. 
I saw you. I felt so much anger towards you. Every day, I see you.
Today, your car was red. Yesterday, it was a black work van.
Last week, it was a white truck. Tomorrow, it’ll be a yellow sports car.
There wasn’t an officer around to stop you, so you “lucked out”, I suppose.
But I wonder if it’ll be the same the next time you run my stop arm. It’s darker in the morning and getting darker in the early evening.
I bet you don’t see little Davis in his warm black winter coat as he’s waiting to cross the street in the morning.
He’s in first grade and always so excited when I pick him up in the morning.
Some days, he’s running into the street before I’ve given him the “all clear” signal that it’s okay to cross.
I bet you don’t see Sheila when she’s getting off my bus in the evening. Poor dear!
She’s super worried about her upcoming tests before winter break. And of course, she’s worried about her boyfriend.
She is constantly looking at her phone when she gets off the bus and just starts crossing without looking.
I keep reminding her, but teenagers don’t always listen to us adults.
But you don’t see the little Davis’ or the older Sheila’s.
You just feel the sudden inconvenience of being stopped by my school bus.
Millions of kids ride a school bus across the nation.
So many times, someone feels the need to run through the stop sign and red flashing lights.
There have been countless injuries and fatalities due to a stop arm violation.
Please I beg of you! Just stop. These children are precious!
They’re loved dearly. They have so much potential!
Please respect the red flashing lights.
The School Bus Driver

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