Best Police Scanners of 2023
Find out which police scanner is best in 2023:
Uniden SDS100,
Uniden SDS200,
Rockford Scanner
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Best Police Scanners in 2023
Find out which police scanner is best in 2023:
Uniden SDS100,
Uniden SDS200,
#6 TRX-1:

- Simple Zip Code programming. Preloaded USA/Canada MicroSD card included. Easy updating via Internet. User upgradable CPU firmware. Spectrum Sweeper. Clock / Calendar.
- APCO P25 Digital Phase I & II.SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS: Only for use on Windows Operating Systems. CTCSS and DCS subaudible decoder. Dedicated SKYWARN/Weather button.
- Dedicated SKYWARN/Weather button. IF Discriminator Out. Tuning Steps: 2.5, 3.125, 5, 6.25, 7.5, 8.33, 10, 12.5 ad 25 kHz. Record up to 50 hours of audio on the 2 GB microSD. Date and time stamp recorded audio files
- The scanner does not function. Ensure that the scanner is equipped with fresh batteries. If powering the scanner from external power, make certain that the USB power plug is fully inserted into the scanners USB jack. Weak signals from distant stations. Reposition for best reception. 2-Way radio reception is line-of-sight. Consider an outdoor antenna; the first 30 feet of elevation makes the most difference. Attenuator in use on weak signals. Check performance with and without attenuator activated, use setting with best reception.
- Strong signal overload from nearby transmitter. Check performance with and without attenuator activated, use setting with best reception. Loose or defective antenna. Inspect antenna and connectors and correct any problems found. Incorrect modulation mode selected. Ensure that proper modulation mode is selected for the type of system being monitored. If necessary, use the PC Application to change modulation mode.
The Whistler TRX-1 is multi-system adaptive digital trunking scanners with Motorola P25 Phase I, X2-TDMA, Phase II and DMR making it capable of monitoring the following unencrypted channels/systems: Conventional DMR (Entered as a DMR trunked system, Hytera XPT, MotoTRBO Capacity Plus, MotoTRBO Connect Plus, and MotoTRBO Linked Cap Plus systems,
Now capable of monitoring NXDN.
#5 TRX-2:

- The TRX-2 detects and masks digital voice audio, and decodes RadioID/TalkgroupID data embedded in voice packets.
- Easy to Understand User Interface
- The Complete Radio Reference USA and Canada Database On Micro SD Card
- Improved P25 Functionality
- Upgradeable CPU Firmware, DSP Firmware and Library
- Uses Standard Micro SD Card, Supports Cards Up to 32GB
- Full USB Interface
The Whistler TRX-2 is multi-system adaptive digital trunking scanners with Motorola P25 Phase I, X2-TDMA, Phase II and DMR making it capable of monitoring the following unencrypted channels/systems: Conventional DMR (Entered as a DMR trunked system, NXDN, Hytera XPT, MotoTRBO Capacity Plus, MotoTRBO Connect Plus, and MotoTRBO Linked Cap Plus systems.
The TRX-2 allows the user the ability to group their stored objects using up to 200 Scanlists plus a special Skywarn scanlist.
Objects can be mapped to as many Scanlists as desired, giving you complete flexibility for grouping objects and selecting groups in any combination for scanning.
#4 BCD436HP:

- The BCD436HP is the first scanner to incorporate the HomePatrol-1 ease of use in a traditional handheld scanner. Plus, Uniden’s exclusive Close Call RF Capture feature, GPS Connectivity, Extra-Large Display, Radio System Analysis and Discover Modes put the most advanced scanner features ever right in the palm of your hand.
- Simple to operate, no programming needed. Simply turn it on, enter your zip code, and TrunkTracker V does the rest.
- This user-friendly digital scanner will immediately begin receiving communications used by Public Safety, Police, Fire, EMS, Ambulance, Aircraft, Military, Weather, and more.Scan Speed – 85 channels per second
- This functionality is made possible by combining the rich radio system database from Radio Reference with Uniden’s patented radio system selection methods to correctly identify and monitor only nearby systems in the USA/Canada.
- Whether it is across town or across the street, the BCD436HP keeps you informed. Now with the largest display on the market and more advanced features, the BCD436HP makes a superior unit for the scanner enthusiast.. Instant Replay – Plays back up to 240 seconds (4 minutes) of the most recent transmissions.. Custom Alerts – You can program your scanner to alert when you receive, a Channel or Unit ID, a Close Call hit, an ID is transmitted with an Emergency Alert, or a Tone-out hit. For each alert in the scanner, you can select from 9 different tone patterns, 15 volume settings, 7 colors, and 3 flash patterns.
#3 BCD536HP:

- The BCD536HP continues Uniden’s tradition of leading innovation. Home Patrol Programming makes it the easiest-to-program mobile professional scanner we’ve ever made.
- Plus, the Wi-Fi feature lets you use the exclusive Uniden Siren App on your smartphone or tablet to access your scanner from anywhere in your home or vehicle.
- The 536HP digital Trunk Tracker V is the first full mobile/desktop unit that requires no user programming. Simply turn it on, enter your zip code and Trunk Tracker V does the rest.
- This user friendly digital scanner will immediately begin receiving communications systems used by Public Safety, Police, Fire, EMS, Ambulance, Aircraft, Military, Weather, and more.
- This functionality is made possible by combining the rich radio system database from Radio Reference with Uniden’s patented radio system selection methods to correctly identify and monitor only nearby systems in the USA and Canada.
- Scan by location allows you to set your location(s) by zip/postal code or GPS coordinates

- SDS100: True I/Q receiver design for improved digital performance in weak-signal and simulcast areas
- SDS100: Rugged/ weather resistant jis 4 construction
- SDS100: Li-Ion battery
- SDS100: Improved UI with 3 contextual soft keys that Change function based on the current operation
- SDS100: Customizable color LCD: user can modify color and what is displayed
Uniden creates another first with the SDS100 True I/Q Scanner and digital TrunkTracker communications receiver. Receiver incorporates the HomePatrol database of all known radio systems in the USA and Canada. Programming it can be as simple as entering your zip code. It’s True I/Q receiver provides for improved digital performance in challenging RF environments. Built to JIS4 f(IPX4) standards, it is rugged and weather resistant. Its customizable color display allows access to the information you want to see. The SDS100’s digital performance is better than any other scanner in both simulcast and weak-signal environments.
The SDS100 is also the first scanner that allows you to decide what to display, where, and in what color.
Custom fields put the information important to you right where you need it.

- True I/Q Receiver, Trunk Tracker X
- Direct Ethernet Connectivity for Streaming and Control
- Complete USA/Canada Radio Database
- Location Control for Simple Operation
- 3. 5″ Customizable Color Display
The Uniden Bearcat SDS200 has the same features as the High Performance Handheld SDS100 , Plus More, in larger Base / Mobile Form. Advanced Digital trucking scanner. Frequency Range of 25-512Mhz, 758-824, 849-869, 895-960 and 1240-1300MHz. True I/Q receiver technology, which provides unsurpassed digital performance! Features include: True I/Q Receiver, Trunk Tracker X, Direct Ethernet Connectivity for Streaming and Control, PL/DPL/NAC, Complete USA/Canada Radio Database Built in with Alphanumeric, Frequencies, , and more, with free lifetime updates, Location Control , 3. 5″ Customizable Color Display. The SDS200 includes APCO P25 Phase I and II, Motorola, EDACS, and LTR Trucking, Air band, Marine Weather and Analog! With Optional paid downloadable upgrades and/or Optional software from the Mfg.’s website, it can also do Capacity + and Connect +, DMR Tier III, XPT, Single-Channel DMR, NXDN 4800 and 9600 and EDACS . Free Uniden Sentinel Software keeps the SDS200 database and firmware up to date
Please note that the following scanners are ranked based our personal opinions, based on several online sources.
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Rockford Scanner
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