Rockford Scanner
Plane Spotting at the Rockford Airport
- What is Plane Spotting?
- Frequencies To Listen To
- Plane Spotting Information
- Runway Information
- Rockford Airport Information
- Rockford Airport Past Airshows
- Neat Stuff To See At The Rockford Airport These Days
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Welcome to the Rockford Airport (KRFD/RFD)
Plane Spotting Page.
We hope this page will be informative to everyone who is
Interested in plane spotting at the Rockford Airport.
Please take a few minutes and scroll down below.
- What is Plane Spotting?
According to Wikipedia: Aircraft spotting, or plane spotting, is a hobby of tracking the movement of aircraft, which is often accomplished by photography. Besides monitoring aircraft, plane spotting enthusiasts (who are usually called plane spotters) also record information regarding airports, air traffic control communications and airline routes.
- Listen To The Rockford Airport Online
You can actually listen to the Rockford Airport online for free!
- Rockford Approach/Departure (East) 121.000
- Rockford Approach/Departure (West) 126.000
- Rockford Ground 121.900
- Rockford Tower 118.100
- Rockford Clearance 119.250
- Emergency 121.500
You can track the aircraft online:
- Rockford Airport Plane Spotting Information
International Ramp:
The International ramp is directly in front of you, as you drive into the Rockford Airport!
This is where the very large jets from International flights park.
Some of your best ground photos will be from the International ramp!
General areas to plane spot from, are marked with an X on the map below.
The best and safest place to view the airplanes at the Rockford Airport,
is along Runway 25. That is on the East end of the airport on Falcon rd.
They have two parking areas that is just north of the Rockford Airport tower.
From this location you are off the roadway and in a parking area.
And it has a good view of the airport and an excellent spot to watch the planes take off and arrive on Runway 25.
This should be your spot to go to, if you go plane spotting!
There is also a second spot to plane spot from near this location.
There is another parking lot just South of the Rockford Tower and maintenance building.
You have a good view of the AAR, Runway 1 and Runway 25.
Runway 7
Runway 7 is the most popular arrival runway.
This is located along the south west side of the airport.
There is only really one spot here that is safe to park at.
So be very careful if you spot from this location.
You can watch the planes come in on the ILS arrivals.
Once the planes go over your head, you quickly lose sight of them.
There is a large hill on the airport property which is a part of the runway.
You will get an awesome view of them arriving, but you can not see them actually land.
Runway 1
Located on the southside of the Rockford airport.
With the recent changes at the airport and expansions,
the old spots to park at are now gone.
But there are still a few spots to park and plane spot from.
This is an excellent spot to watch the Runway 1 arrivals and takeoffs from.
You are able to see the AAR and Runway 1.
It does have its limitations though. Everything else you can not see.
Runway 19
Runway 19 is the worst place to spot from.
It is on the north end of the airport.
They reconstructed the area and now there is a round-a-bout
where you used to be able to spot from.
I don’t know of any good spots for runway 19.
If you happen to know of some, let me know!
Credit: Airshowstuffvideos
- Runway Information
Runway 7 and Runway 25
10,002 long by 150 feet wide runway that runs East and West.
Runway 1 and Runway 19
8,200 long by 150 wide runway that runs North and South.

- Rockford Airport Information
We highly encourage our fans to use the Rockford Airport.
Rockford Scanner fully supports our local businesses!
If you want to book a flight or learn more about the Rockford Airport.
You can visit their website
According to their website:
The Chicago Rockford International Airport (RFD) is located 68 miles northwest of Chicago and encompasses over 3,000 acres. State-of-the-art facilities, coupled with runway lengths of 10,000 ft. and 8,200 ft., allow RFD to land any jet aircraft operating in the world today – even under the most adverse conditions.
RFD is also home to a rapidly growing air cargo industry, including UPS’ largest regional parcel-sorting center. The airport campus also encompasses an aviation maintenance repair facility capable of servicing next-generation aircraft, as well as an aviation maintenance program that is turning out a well-trained and skilled workforce.
The Rockford Airport hosts all different types of aircraft:
Military, Civilian, Cargo, Business, Government,
Charters, Sports Teams, Politicians, Celebrities, Conair,
The Vice President has flown in several times in the past.
You may never know what you may see at the Rockford Airport!
Which brings me to the next topic.
- Rockford Airport Past Airshows
A lot of community members are thankful to the Rockford Airport for hosting some amazing airshows over the years!
The Rockford Airfest was a huge tourism event that drew people from all around the world, to the Rockford area.
The community wanted entertainment, and the Rockford Airport provided us with the Rockford Airshow!
Sadly, The Rockford Airport suddenly terminated the Rockford Airfest.
The year before, it shattered the attendance records with approx. 140,000 people attending the Rockford Airfest in 2015.
Then the next year they said “Budget Cuts” were the reason for abruptly shutting down the Rockford Airfest.
How can you have budget cuts and shut down a major event,
When you had a record 140,000 people attended the year before?
I digress…
- Neat Stuff To See At The Rockford Airport These Days
I like to think of the Rockford Airport, as an airshow that is all year round.
The Rockford Airport hosts all different types of aircraft.
Including military and testing prototype aircraft and equipment.
Plus, there are a lot of celebrities, politicians, sports teams, etc…
That use the Rockford Airport.
So, you just never know WHO you might see as well!
The Rockford Airport has the AAR.
That is located at 6150 Cessna Drive.
According to their website:
The AAR is a leading independent provider of aviation services
To commercial and government customers around the globe.
RFD is home to an aviation maintenance facility, operated by AAR Corp.,
the largest nationwide and third-largest global Maintenance, Repair and Overhaul (MRO) provider.
The 238,000 square foot facility, with two 10-story tall hangars,
can service all aircraft platforms – up to 4 Boeing B787s or an Airbus A380 at a time –
with everything from heavy maintenance checks to modification services.
The AAR Rockford Maintenance, Repair and Overhaul (MRO) facility provides check-level,
heavy maintenance visits and modification services for a variety of narrow and wide-body aircraft.
Designed for next-generation aircraft, the 238,000 square-foot facility
consists of two 10-story hangars that are 300 feet by 300 feet, accommodating:
2 Boeing 747s, or
8 Boeing 737-800s / Airbus 320 variants, or
4 Boeing 787s, or
2 Airbus A380s
It is the only hangar in the United States not linked to an airline,
capable of servicing the world’s largest passenger airliner.
Plus, you have other businesses such as Code 1 Aviation!
Code 1 Aviation is an award-wining maintenance and restoration facility
focusing on Aero L-39 high-performance jet trainers and other warbirds.
You will be able to see several L-39’s and warbirds.
FAST FACT: Two SU-27‘s were restored at the Rockford Airport!
Page is still a work in progress.
If you have any photos/videos or information:
As much as we hate asking for donations.
Sadly, it does cost money to run RS.
Dedicated server, Domain, Maintenance, Time, etc…
Every penny helps!
Donate via debit or credit card:
Thank you in advance for your donation!

Rockford Scanner
See it, Snap it, Send it
- SEE IT: See a scene or something of interest
- SNAP IT: Pull our your camera and film
Thank you in advance for your donation!
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Our personal opinions on various topics.
Rockford Scanner


- Our content is for entertainment purposes only.
- Informative entertainment.
- All the information posted is our own personal opinions.
- Our opinions on what allegedly may have possibly have happened.
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- Everyone is innocent, until proven guilty in a court of law.
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