I read some of your posts on facebook about the Rockford Mothman.
In (edited 2022) my friend and I were driving along the airport and had our own terrifying experience!
I recall it being around 11 pm and we were driving along the side of the airport.
(Edit: South side)
We were jamming to our favorite song
Leave Before You Love Me by Marshmello and the Jonas Brothers.
Off to our left we noticed a plane coming in to land.
(Edit: Runway 1, but not confirmed)
We slowed down and pulled off to the side of the road to watch it land.
After a few seconds, We both got a weird feeling.
I guess the best way to describe it would be as if someone was watching us.
A very uneasy feeling. An unwelcoming feeling.
At the same exact time we both mentioned the uneasy feeling to one another.
All of a sudden we noticed this creature coming at us from out of the corner of our eye.
It looked like this very large Black figure came from the trees off to our left, along the river.
This thing flew over our vehicle and circled for a second or two
Then slammed down onto our hood!
We were both terrified! I have never been so scared in my life!
It had piercing bright Red eyes as it stared at me through my windshield.
Wings so large that I would have to estimate it to be 15 feet wide.
A stench so strong we both were gagging.
I slammed the vehicle into drive and hit the gas!
As I accelerated away, this creature was flying along the side of us.
We were screaming at the top of our lungs.
And as it flew along side of our vehicle,
It let out an eerie ear piercing screech.
It seemed like an eternity but after a short time later
It just disappeared. I think it flew back up into the air.
I have no idea how to explain what we had experienced.
My friend and I have been wondering what that creature was.
Then one day I was reading about the Rockford Mothman.
And I swear that is exactly what we both saw!
When I took my vehicle into the shop to get fixed.
The mechanic laughed when I described what happened.
After reading your posts I wanted to reach out and tell you our experience.
I will understand if you do not believe us.
We have tried telling several of our friends and family.
And nobody will believe us.
It is good to know that others have experienced something similar to what we did that night.
And we know we are not crazy! And now we can put a name with the creature.
Note: Rockford Mothman…
We want to share your paranormal experiences!
Email us: RockfordScanner@gmail.com
Note: (Copy/Paste/Edited) for privacy reasons.
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