Welcome to
Rockford Scanner
Welcome to Rockford Scanner,
The area’s favorite entertainment website!
We post our opinions on what allegedly may have possibly happened,
Based on the information that has currently been provided to us.
We strongly recommend you doing your own research, and forming your own opinions.
If you have any information, photos, videos, Please email us at: RockfordScanner@gmail.com
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My opinion on what allegedly may have possibly happened,
Based on the information that has been currently provided:
Effective Monday November 14, 2022
Beginning on Monday November 14th
, E. State St between N. Madison & N. Water St will
be closed, for railroad maintenance. The work is expected to be complete by end of day
Wednesday November 16th, weather pending.
Traffic control and detour with signage will be in place. Please use caution and slow
down when driving in and around the work zones.
We keep everyone ANONYMOUS,
Unless you let us know to credit your name.
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We can not guarantee the accuracy of our information. If you know of any errors, please contact us at RockfordScanner@gmail.com and please provide us with the proof of the correction. We strive for accuracy, however the information is always dynamic and changes often with our type of content. We do apologize ahead of time, if there are any errors. Please let us know! We are protected under the first amendment. Disclaimer and Terms: CLICK HERE