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Rockford Scanner
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We post our opinions on what allegedly may have possibly happened,
Based on the information that has currently been provided to us.
We strongly recommend you doing your own research, and forming your own opinions.
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My opinion on what allegedly may have possibly happened,
Based on the information that has been currently provided:
Sources are reporting a major scene on the West side last night.
It happened around 11:30 pm last night in the 300 block of N Church.
Many of the reports said that the alleged serial rapist, hit again.
Note: There have been multiple sexual assault victims in this same general area.
Police chose not to warn the public about…
Rockford PD have not released any information,
But their logs show an “in progress”
In the past many violent crimes such as Murder, Shooting, Rape, Robbery, Stabbing, etc..
Have all been labeled as “In progress” in the past…
Rockford PD are encrypted, and have not released any information.
The video below, shows a lot of officers on scene.
So whatever happened, must of been major and the community was in danger (shrugs)
Let’s not forget how local police have said the community does NOT need to know
About major incidents: CLICK HERE
Guess since police and encrypted and use blanket terms, we can only post the information that HAS been provided to us. And that is: The alleged serial rapist hit AGAIN. The very same person that police released a sketch of, but then turn around and then denied any “serial”. And said the man is only wanted on multiple sexual assault charges, but not “serial” Because they don’t like the word “Serial” …
Simple communication and transparency
would eliminate any misinformation or exaggerations
We keep everyone ANONYMOUS,
Unless you let us know to credit your name.
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