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Rockford Scanner
Welcome to Rockford Scanner,
The area’s favorite entertainment website!
We post our opinions on what allegedly may have possibly happened,
Based on the information that has currently been provided to us.
We strongly recommend you doing your own research, and forming your own opinions.
If you have any information, photos, videos, Please email us at: RockfordScanner@gmail.com
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Chat Rooms!
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My opinion on what allegedly may have possibly happened,
Based on the information that has been currently provided:
Repairs to the Concourse Parking Garage Pedestrian Bridge connected
to the BMO Center will begin on Monday, November 7, 2022. This work will require
intermittent lane closures on S. Church Street between Elm Street and Chestnut
Street. Work shall be completed by November 23, 2022 – weather dependent.
This work includes steel support replacement along with new concrete walkway
installation. Please use caution while driving near the work zone.
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Unless you let us know to credit your name.
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NEW Rockford Scanner Feature, Chat Rooms!
Keep it family friendly…

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