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RockfordScanner.com : FOIA Approval: 911 Audio And Incident Records,
From When Pecatonica Police Chief Mike Mund Allegedly Driving Drunk And Crashed Into Another Vehicle.
A child in the vehicle he hit, had to be flown to Madison for their injuries.
Pec. Police Chief Mike Mund Arrested For DUI.
Rockford Police Department has not yet released their records on this incident.
The Rockford 911 Center has released the 911 audio and Incident Detail Reports.
Posted below. When the Rockford PD releases their FOIA information.
We will update this.
Viewer discretion is advised.
Brief Synopsis:
On 10/16/2022 at approx. 6:40 pm (18:40)
Two vehicles collided near the intersection of Springfield and Montague.
One of the passengers that was in the vehicle that Pecatonica Police Chief Mike Mund collided with.
had 2 adults and 1 child. Sources told us that the child was injured,
and the injuries were so severe that the child had to be airlifted to Madison to be treated for their injuries.
Unknown if any dispensary action has taken place.
Pecatonica Police Department have been
SUPER TIGHT LIPPED about this incident.
Thank you Rockford 911 Center
(and hopefully Rockford PD)
For being transparent and releasing the following info:
The Rockford 911 Center approved our FOIA requests and provided their incident reports and 911 audio,
from the accident. Viewer discretion is advised.
We will update this, when the Rockford Police Department releases their information.
Full FOIA Responses:
Scroll down,
Read the Full FOIA Responses by the Rockford 911 Center Below
You can read up on the incident at other sources:
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