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Update from the Rockford FD:
At 1:54 pm on Sunday, October 23, 2022, the Rockford Fire Department responded to a report of a
residential structure fire at 3004 N. Church Street. The first fire companies arrived in under 5 minutes to
find a fire that had started on the exterior of the home. The electrical service to the home had been
damaged by a falling tree limb which left live electrical wires on the ground in the back yard of the
property. This caused firefighters to fight the fire from inside the residence. The fire was controlled
quickly with a hose line. The home was vacant and in the process of being sold. No one was at home at
the time of the fire. A neighbor discovered smoke coming from the residence and called 911. The
damages are estimated at $10,000. The cause of the fire was determined to be accidental.
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