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Rockford Scanner
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We post our opinions on what may have happened,
Based on the information that has currently been provided to us.
We strongly recommend you doing your own research, and forming your own opinions.
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Freedom Of Information Act
Viewer discretion is advised.
This content may be disturbing to some viewers.
The reason for posting the FOIA requests:
Shows the police are transparent,
and explains exactly what happened.
Note: We normally do not post suicidal stuff on our website.
But, Rockford PD was nice enough to approve this FOIA
(Thank You Rockford PD)
Also, this FOIA report will help resolve some rumors
on what may have happened. So we are posting this for accuracy
and Educational/Informative/News purposes.
Brief info:
On the morning of 8/14/2022 , several emergency personnel responded to Walgreens for a suicidal subject.
A man used a razor blade and cut his own throat, at the Walgreens at Auburn/Central
Some screenshots from the FOIA report.
You can view the full FOIA request at: CLICK HERE
A couple of different officer reports, below…
Scroll DOWN for the
FULL Freedom Of Information Act Request
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