Welcome to the area’s favorite entertainment website!
We post our opinions on what may have happened,
Based on the information that has currently been provided to us.
We strongly recommend you doing your own research, and forming your own opinions.
If you have any information, photos, videos, please email us at: RockfordScanner@gmail.com
At the Village of Rockton board meeting,
Rockton Lions Club President, Chris Weaver, presented a $10,000 check to Chief Hollinger.
The Rockton Police Department greatly appreciates the generous donation and the partnership
we’ve had with the Rockton Lions Club for many years. 🦁👮
Rockton PD plans to use the donation to purchase
a new Message Board and Speed Reduction Trailer.
The trailer is designed to provide traffic alerts and reduce speeding violations. ⚠️🚗
Thank you Rockton Lions Club for helping us with our mission of Providing a Safe Community
Get one of the best police scanners on the market!